We had a fire at 9001 - 9009 E Oxford
Our best wishes go out to the displaced families.
We have set up a Go-Fund Me Page to help the families with some
of their expenses. It will be posted here and in flyers to
the community. Please reach out to our board or property manager
with any questions or concerns.
Detective Fiocca with Greenwood Village PD is looking for information
Police are looking for information on 3 males in the area between 2:50pm-3:30pm on 2/11/25. Please check video footage and contact Detective Fiocca with any relevant information.
Reference CR GV25001567.
Thank you!
Notice to homeowners: Effective Jan. 1, 2025, HOA monthly dues will be increased to $360 per month. The $20 monthly increase is because of higher insurance rates, which are impacting associations across the state. Each property owner also should have their own personal policies to provide coverage for many items not included in the HOA's policy.
Stay "In the Know!"
* Monthly HOA Board meetings are at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the lower level of the club house, near the swimming pool.
No Meeting in February, March's meeting will be Mar. 25 at 6:30 p.m.
* New board members were elected at the HOA's annual meeting in November. See "Residential Information" page for highlights.
*There is a new email distribution list available for important topics.
Send you email to and put "Cherry Creek 3" in the subject line of that email.
* * *
Wednesdays are trash days!
Reverse 911 is back up and running – you must register your cell phone to participate!
The City & County of Denver has released a new 911 alert system to notify residents when there is an emergency.
Sign up using this link to receive alerts by providing your contact and location information. You can choose to be notified via voice call, text message or email and can provide multiple locations. Once you opt into notifications, the system will send alerts based on the location information you have provided. You can update your location and contact information using the alert management dashboard. To create a new account, click on “Don’t have an account? Sign up” in the lower portion of the (sign into your account) window.
This is also a good time to update and/or create your Smart911 profile. NOTE: Reverse 911 and Smart911 are separate from one another so to participate in both you must register with each tool individually.
Smart911 is a private, secure service that allows you to create a safety profile that provides 911 and emergency responders with important information you want them to know about yourself, your family members and pets, your home and your vehicles in any kind of emergency. The information you provide automatically displays on the 911 call taker's screen when an emergency call is placed from a phone number connected to your profile. These details can save seconds or even minutes during an emergency.
If you have an emergency call 911, for non-emergency call 720-913-2000 and to reach DPD District 3 Community Resource Officers for non-urgent matters please email,,,
All homes in Cherry Creek 3 are privately owned. The HOA does not rent or lease individual homes - we are not an apartment complex. Homes cannot be sold as rental units or investment properties without an Association-approved permit (there are no permits currently available.).
Please use this section if you are:
* An owner who wants to refinance their home.
* A realtor or real estate sales organization needing HOA info.
* The Association's Declarations outlines the "Right of First Refusal" regarding sales.
* Effective July 31, 2019, homes being sold must be listed for sale to be purchased as owner-occupied. There are no leasing permits available, as of January 2020, so marketed homes cannot be listed as potential rental or investment properties. It is likely that no rental lease permits will be available for at least a year or two.
This page tells you how to contact us.
Having an HOA maintenance request, need to see the governing documents and Association policies? This section is for you. In addition, there are PDFs for new residents, swimming pool rules, Architectural Request Forms, an application to run for the HOA Board and more!
This link will take you to a page intended exclusively for current Cherry Creek 3 owners. It will show pending sales listed in accordance with the "Right of First Refusal" section of the Declarations
Information on homeowner's insurance each owner should have is listed here. Also: What are the parking rules? If I'm a landlord or tenant, what should I know? Are there any tips for my condo for summer and winter? Learn answers to these and other questions in this section.
Just click here to learn the next time when regular trash, purple recycling cans and periodic "Extra Trash" will be collected.
Cherry Creek 3 has won many statewide awards for its water-conservation practices and low-water landscaping in recent years. A link to the Association's most recent film appearances and copies of stories written about the HOA can be found here, too.
Conserving water not only saves money and helps the environment. This section features information about water-efficiency rebates offered by the HOA and has information on how you can help conserve this precious resource. This section can help with sewer and sewage back-up information,
What's the buzz about our pollinator-friendly and water-wise landscaping? Want to know about our plant bio-diversity? Check out this section for information.
Want to know about the Cherry Creek 3 Community Garden? Hoping to secure a plot for next gardening season? What are the rules? Check out this section for information.
What's the story about the iconic "Welcome to Denver" mural welcoming visitors to Cherry Creek 3 adjoining the neighborhood? Visit this section to learn how noted muralist Delton Demarest created the mural and how others helped plant the adjoining native-plant garden.
Check this link for additional items, including maintenance work (including water or sewer lines), events and more.
Welcome to the web site for Third Cherry Creek Townhouse Corp,, commonly called Cherry Creek 3. Opened in 1966, we have a proud history as one of Denver's first condo-style townhouse associations. Since then, we have continuously tried to maintain a nice neighborhood while offering one of the lowest monthly maintenance fees in the region. Our covenants were created to protect our 251 individually-owned homes. We are located in south east Denver, adjoining the RTD Light Rail's Dayton Station. During the past decade, our hands-on Board has launched some exciting, conservation-related programs and projects that have resulted in us winning acclaim in Colorado and beyond!
There's much to see here on this site. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
Cherry Creek 3: One of Denver's first townhouse-condo neighborhoods has won many local awards, appeared in two documentaries and has been a model for water-conservation in state and national publications. The HOA has one of the region's lowest monthly maintenance dues, too.
Cherry Creek 3 cares about people and our environment. Since 2010, we have received more awards than any other HOA in Colorado!
Third Cherry Creek Townhouse Corp. is managed by Realty One Property Management Co. Jim Robson, CAM, GRI is the person to speak with about Cherry Creek 3. (For sales information, refinancing assistance or other monetary matters, please only refer to the realtors-home sales page on this site.)
Physical address: 9084 E. Nassau Ave., Denver, CO 80237
Copyright © 2019 - All Rights Reserved.